Thursday, September 24, 2009

Four Tears

My eyes swell
And my pride chokes.
Chokes so hard
My insides wrench.

Like a cloud
I leak -
Drip, drop, drip.

Each tear
On the kitchen floor.

Four in total.
Each a reminder
Of what was -
One for every time.

Like hot plates,
That slipped
From my hand.
Heavy landing.

The total effort
Of my whole heart,
(Existence to you)
Four beleaguered tears.

All so small
Yet concentrated -
A lifetime of care
Encompassed within.

Everything I feel
In a minuscule puddle
Of which
You know little.

Three A.M.,
On the kitchen floor.
Four beleaguered tears.

An eye elixir
For all i feel.
Irrationally? Yes.
But still.

You sleep sound.
Dry eyes.
No tears,
No kitchen floor.

I gave it all,
As I always do,
But nothing came
Just four beleaguered tears.